Core Belief Therapy
The moment we are born, our subconscious begins gathering information about our environment, the people in it, and the way everything works as a means of survival. Our childhood interpretations of ourselves, others, and the world then determine our reactions to everything we experience moving forward. I will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to understand why you are the way you are and how to identify and shift the core beliefs that drive your symptoms and concerns. Everything a person thinks, feels, and does is a direct result of a core belief.
When you identify the beliefs that are driving your current concerns, you can re-evaluate them. This results in the cell networks in your brain being modified and your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors being automatically changed.
You will —
alleviate symptoms of OCD/OCPD and other mood and personality disorders
increase intimacy and learn how to navigate conflict more effectively within your partnerships
find understanding and gain important skills needed to maintain family relationships